Saturday, June 16, 2007

Back with a Vengeance!

Rawr, after nearly a week of being bed-ridden! I'M BACK!!!


Throat infection, fever, flu, cough, muscle strain.

All in all a small fee to pay for the BEST time I've had in the camp for ages~~


If I had to do it all again...... I'll play even harder!!! XD

More pictures!!! More Singing!!!

And more crazy partying~~~!!!!!

...... And I'm STILL waiting for the official camp photos to get uploaded!!! Grrrrrr

I need more photos!!!!


Stellix said...

camp apa?


Intervarsity camp. Erm,all the universities in M'sia all got take part. Chinese speaking camp to raise awareness and level of matureness of current university students.

Stellix said...

all u in msia?
how come nv invite me??
shit msia


LoL you're in Aussie.

Fai fai finish study come back lo,haha