Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sleepy = My Sickness?

Found something interesting on the net awhile ago.


O, finally something to explain my remarkable school nap exploits.

See this line

'People with narcolepsy may visibly fall asleep at unpredicted moments (such motions as head bobbing are common).'
Hey, that's me~ In like......99% of classes.

People with narcolepsy may dream even when they only fall asleep for a few seconds.
Yup, me as well~ I normally wake up reminiscing over the dream/dreams I just had, and then discover only 10 minutes have passed~

They have very vivid dreams, which they often remember in great detail.
Yeap, and actually I like this part, since alot of great plot ideas I'm writing for my story(secret project) are stolen from my very own mid day dreams~

And here's the line I like alot~

Parents, teachers, spouses, and employers should be aware of the symptoms of narcolepsy. This will help them avoid the mistake of confusing the person's behavior with laziness, hostility, rejection, or lack of interest and motivation. It will also help them provide essential support and cooperation.

Ha, so there!
I'm not lazy! It's an illness!

Random bored mid day blogging ftw~

Until my next random blog, jya ne~


Oh Hola I'm Ja:) said...

Well, as I was reading your blog, I laughed a little. But then I thought about if you really could have it. It is a really difficult thing to get through. Maybe you were just being lighthearted. But if you weren't, I strongly suggest that you go gt tested for it. It is a Weird disease. I was diagnosed in 2003.

Go easy,


Hiya, wasn't really expecting a random reply like this.

But to answer your question seriously, I do suspect that I have this disease, just that I don't really have any real method to go about confirming it other than those symptoms that I've read over and over again. It hasn't really affected my life 'that' much yet, so I'm still in 2 minds whether to get professional help, but I'll think about it.

Btw, how did u make sure that it was Narcolepsy that u had?