Wahhhhh, first day of the new semester, it's already been 1 whole year???!
So much has happened over the last year, it's like it's been an eternity.
But when you consider I'm already well into the middle of my course, I can't help but complain time passes too fast.
A new day comes, yet men will still remain,
all that is lost, is engraved forever in our memory......
Anyways, new sem, new lecturers!
Most notable one would be a Mr. M who's what you'd call an unconventional lecturer.
He started by trying to explain how he'll go about teaching us through a work philosophy, and that we're there to work, not to study, and our employer's are our parents who are paying us minimal pay to learn skills~
Then he continued by commenting that our class of 44 is too many, and says he'll try his best to fail as many of us as possible. O_o
He finally wrapped off with something along the lines of
" As Yoda says, don't be lured by the dark side. "
Wah, deep man, lol. I got a feeling this sem is gonna be quirky.
On an unrelated side note, I experienced a funny situation at the office of the campus after class involving a conversation between the clerk and a student apparently trying to get a tutorial timetable.
Girl : "I want to apply for leave."
Clerk : "Ok, here's the leave application form."
Girl : "Nonono, I want the timetable so that I can schedule my leave."
Clerk : "Ok, here's your timetable."
Girl : "Nonono, I already have that timetable, I want to apply leave during tutorial."
Clerk =_= : "Ok.... here's the leave form."
Girl: " Nonono! I want the timetable so that I can apply for leave!."
Clerk : "Here's your timetable la!"
Girl : "Nonono! Not this timetable! I want the timetable to apply for leave!"
Clerk : "Yea la! This is your timetable right?"
Girl : "Yes."
Clerk : "Then take it and the form and apply for your leave la!"
Girl : " Nonono! I don't want this timetable! I need the timetable to apply for leave!"
*Mimics clerk fainting out of sheer "zha dou" factor.*
Signing off~~~~ SIENZ HOLIDAYS OVER!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Mixed feelings =X
Sigh, going back to KL tomorrow.
Really dunno why I decided to go back so early, right as soon as I decide I'm going back, suddenly everyone is sms-ing me to ask me to go here and there. >_<
It's like Murphy's Law with a twist,
When I'm free and bored, there will never be anyone free or with the initiative to ask me to go out and about.
When I'm bout ready to head back to the land of boredom, EVERYONE is asking me to go to activities hitherto.
Anyways, topic of the day.
When is it safe to assume you're thinking too much into things when you're trying to woo a girl?
This suddenly popped in my mind after a yumcha session with my friend Ah Hao an hour back.
He's over the moon because of being able to spend some *quality time* alone with his crush.
Lucky bugger, =P
To be precise, it was more of a voluntary tuition session, but let's not burst the bubble shall we?
Anyways, he kept asking us questions bout whether so and so action by said female was a hint of indication of her interest in him.
Overreacting? Maybe.
Oddly familiar behavior though......
Anyways,halfway through our conversation, this suddenly popped up.
" Eh, anyways, no matter what happens, you all will always be my best 'lousy' friends." =) *insert big toothy grin here*
Talk bout sudden mushy-ness.
Though the thought behind it is what counts =P
It's nice to have someone you can really call your good friend, someone to share your weals and woes with.
More importantly, to have someone you can talk to bout all the things you keep hidden within you.
I think that's probably what everyone in this world wants.
Friends =)
Ok, enough to the mushy talk. =X
Going back KL 1.30pm tomorrow.
Time to catch some shuteye.
Really dunno why I decided to go back so early, right as soon as I decide I'm going back, suddenly everyone is sms-ing me to ask me to go here and there. >_<
It's like Murphy's Law with a twist,
When I'm free and bored, there will never be anyone free or with the initiative to ask me to go out and about.
When I'm bout ready to head back to the land of boredom, EVERYONE is asking me to go to activities hitherto.
Anyways, topic of the day.
When is it safe to assume you're thinking too much into things when you're trying to woo a girl?
This suddenly popped in my mind after a yumcha session with my friend Ah Hao an hour back.
He's over the moon because of being able to spend some *quality time* alone with his crush.
Lucky bugger, =P
To be precise, it was more of a voluntary tuition session, but let's not burst the bubble shall we?
Anyways, he kept asking us questions bout whether so and so action by said female was a hint of indication of her interest in him.
Overreacting? Maybe.
Oddly familiar behavior though......
Anyways,halfway through our conversation, this suddenly popped up.
" Eh, anyways, no matter what happens, you all will always be my best 'lousy' friends." =) *insert big toothy grin here*
Talk bout sudden mushy-ness.
Though the thought behind it is what counts =P
It's nice to have someone you can really call your good friend, someone to share your weals and woes with.
More importantly, to have someone you can talk to bout all the things you keep hidden within you.
I think that's probably what everyone in this world wants.
Friends =)
Ok, enough to the mushy talk. =X
Going back KL 1.30pm tomorrow.
Time to catch some shuteye.
Friday, May 18, 2007
ZZZ, Kulai is a boring place to be >_<
Nothing to do here cept game, msn, surf all day.
Go out with friends?
Sorry, all my friends have a spatial bout of autism and would rather sit at home talking to their bedroom wall.
And I quote :
"Hey, wanna come out for some drinks and chit chat?"
"Dun wan dun wan, so late already, lazy go out. Dun wan lar!"
....... time of conversation = before 9pm.
Anyways, the pictures of my Singapore trip are still with my friend >_> Who is either in Muar...... or KL now, not sure. =X
I'd ask him, but he's not online atm and my phone budget is getting tight with all the calls I've been making to try and create some entertainment *see above* recently.
Sienz, how come all my yumcha kakis are either all outstation /out of country, or all my other 'friends' all semi-autistic?
So far, the only interesting that's happened these few days is the spectacle of watching one of my good friends whom we shall name "H", trying to 'kau lui', a.k.a chase skirt,haha.
The target in mind would be one of the students he teaches tuition, at a tuition center near my place. He's been constantly badgering us to visit the cafe where she works so that he has an excuse to drop by and literally chase her skirt around, but has no guts to go solo. LoL
Excerpt of our conversation.
Him : "Hey, let's go over to Ice Story, there got pretty girl."
Me : "Hehe, up to you ba, I know you got ulterior motive."
Him : "NONONONO, I'm not trying to fook her or anything!"
Me : "Yeaaaaa right."
Him : "NONONO, really!"
It's actually quite fun watching his facial expression as he tries to think of ways to chat up the girl, but then is too LOL shy to do it.
This coming from a guy who talks louder and more boisterously than most the girls I know.
It's a very funny change, furthermore he keeps asking me what I would do in his shoes.
Wth, you're the one chasing skirt wei, don't ask me.
If you're gonna be asking me, might as well move aside and pass the golden oppurtunity to me! Haha, j/k j/k.
Anyways, I'll try to camwhore some pictures of his 'escapades' next time I go there with him.
Till then, sienz ya later!
P/S I got a new haircut, sienz, too short!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE BARBERS!!!!!!
Nothing to do here cept game, msn, surf all day.
Go out with friends?
Sorry, all my friends have a spatial bout of autism and would rather sit at home talking to their bedroom wall.
And I quote :
"Hey, wanna come out for some drinks and chit chat?"
"Dun wan dun wan, so late already, lazy go out. Dun wan lar!"
....... time of conversation = before 9pm.
Anyways, the pictures of my Singapore trip are still with my friend >_> Who is either in Muar...... or KL now, not sure. =X
I'd ask him, but he's not online atm and my phone budget is getting tight with all the calls I've been making to try and create some entertainment *see above* recently.
Sienz, how come all my yumcha kakis are either all outstation /out of country, or all my other 'friends' all semi-autistic?
So far, the only interesting that's happened these few days is the spectacle of watching one of my good friends whom we shall name "H", trying to 'kau lui', a.k.a chase skirt,haha.
The target in mind would be one of the students he teaches tuition, at a tuition center near my place. He's been constantly badgering us to visit the cafe where she works so that he has an excuse to drop by and literally chase her skirt around, but has no guts to go solo. LoL
Excerpt of our conversation.
Him : "Hey, let's go over to Ice Story, there got pretty girl."
Me : "Hehe, up to you ba, I know you got ulterior motive."
Him : "NONONONO, I'm not trying to fook her or anything!"
Me : "Yeaaaaa right."
Him : "NONONO, really!"
It's actually quite fun watching his facial expression as he tries to think of ways to chat up the girl, but then is too LOL shy to do it.
This coming from a guy who talks louder and more boisterously than most the girls I know.
It's a very funny change, furthermore he keeps asking me what I would do in his shoes.
Wth, you're the one chasing skirt wei, don't ask me.
If you're gonna be asking me, might as well move aside and pass the golden oppurtunity to me! Haha, j/k j/k.
Anyways, I'll try to camwhore some pictures of his 'escapades' next time I go there with him.
Till then, sienz ya later!
P/S I got a new haircut, sienz, too short!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE BARBERS!!!!!!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
O_o Moving house too o_O
After considering that all my friends have 'pindah rumah' from xanga.com to blogspot, I decided to 'pack' my stuff and move here as well, if only to get a fresh change and fresh start to my blog. =O
Anyways, to continue where I left off last time, here's Part 2 of my Singapore trip!
*Invisible director yells : "Ok, Singapore Trip, Take Two! ANDDDD ACTION!" *
*Curtain furls back*
Ok, let's start off with lunch. =P
Met up with my friend Pei Yun and her ex-colleague Sok Mun at Bugis after a long ordeal trying to help Arvin try to get his luggage to his friend's dorm in NTU. We ended up splitting with me joining the girls for lunch and him heading to his friend's dorm to 'familiarize' himself with the route. @_@
<------ Is in Bugis if anyone is wondering. We had the famous Katong Laksa which is somewhere beside the OG building. To tell the truth, I couldn't really see the difference between my medium laksa and the small laksa the girls ordered =X For a difference of $1, there isn't really a noticeable increase in portions. Yea, I'm a glutton, at least I'm open bout it. ^_^.
Anyways, on the plus side, the laksa was actually quite good, here's a close up of how it looks like.
Mmm, anyone drooling yet?
Apart from the generous servings of 'ham' and prawns and fishcakes, the soup is a nice balance of sourness and spiciness, giving it a nice appetizing tinge, making your taste buds go wild as you eat it. ^_^
If anyone is interested in trying it......
I'll be happy to show you where it is XD
As long as you treat me to another bowl, Bwahaha.
After a fulfilling lunch, we meandered around the OG shopping mall for awhile before heading over to Sim Lim Square to help the new addition to our crew, Mr Low Yi Qian (See dazed picture) or YQ for short which I will use here (Laziness ftw) , buy a new camera. =O
In the end, it ended up in a toss up between getting his camera of choice ( A spanking new Lumix camera which model I can't remember =X ) from a semi shady looking shop which was offering him $380 ( Went from $500 to $400 as he backed off and hit $380 after more persistent haggling) to $450 from a shop upstairs with certified manufacturer logos and whatcha-ma-call-its.
Frankly, I was already dozing off due to the sienz-ness of waiting for them to finish browsing and haggling.
The girls were also almost at their limit, we had been going up and down up and down for nearly 2 hours to get a good price for the !@#$ camera.
I was pretty sure the bosses of both shops were about ready to start bombarding us with random debris if we tried to undercut them anymore.
*Runs for cover in bunker*
Anyways, random picture of said bored alpha males.
<-------- Epitome of sienz-ness, wouldn't you agree? In the end, FINALLY got his camera from the shop downstairs, albeit being milked out of $440 with the additional 'fees' going to the license paper and an extra Toshiba battery. GG $350 budget, LoL. Moral of the story, budgets are made to be exceeded. =P With that over and done with, next destination : Esplanade CONFIRMED! And awayyyy we went on a quaint little bus all the way to the Esplanade. Took quite alot of pictures there too I may add, though they were mostly with YQ's camera and Arvin's W810i. =X Sucks to have the lousiest camera phone among the bunch. I want an N95! * hint hint cough bday cough next year cough cough hint hint* Until I can get the more interesting pics from them, here are some pictures of the artwork being displayed there. =P.jpg)
Doesn't it look like a gigantic *gasp* durian from outside?
Anyways, lemme show you some pictures of the Merlion which is nearby, a big tourist attraction for many foreigners.
Hmmm, let's see.
*Digs through photos*
I'm out of photos =(
Ah well, will continue when I get the rest of the pictures from my friends.
Tata for now ~
Till the next sienz outing.
Aerin, signing off !!
Anyways, to continue where I left off last time, here's Part 2 of my Singapore trip!
*Invisible director yells : "Ok, Singapore Trip, Take Two! ANDDDD ACTION!" *
*Curtain furls back*
Met up with my friend Pei Yun and her ex-colleague Sok Mun at Bugis after a long ordeal trying to help Arvin try to get his luggage to his friend's dorm in NTU. We ended up splitting with me joining the girls for lunch and him heading to his friend's dorm to 'familiarize' himself with the route. @_@
<------ Is in Bugis if anyone is wondering. We had the famous Katong Laksa which is somewhere beside the OG building. To tell the truth, I couldn't really see the difference between my medium laksa and the small laksa the girls ordered =X For a difference of $1, there isn't really a noticeable increase in portions. Yea, I'm a glutton, at least I'm open bout it. ^_^.

Anyways, on the plus side, the laksa was actually quite good, here's a close up of how it looks like.
Mmm, anyone drooling yet?
Apart from the generous servings of 'ham' and prawns and fishcakes, the soup is a nice balance of sourness and spiciness, giving it a nice appetizing tinge, making your taste buds go wild as you eat it. ^_^
If anyone is interested in trying it......
I'll be happy to show you where it is XD
As long as you treat me to another bowl, Bwahaha.
After a fulfilling lunch, we meandered around the OG shopping mall for awhile before heading over to Sim Lim Square to help the new addition to our crew, Mr Low Yi Qian (See dazed picture) or YQ for short which I will use here (Laziness ftw) , buy a new camera. =O
In the end, it ended up in a toss up between getting his camera of choice ( A spanking new Lumix camera which model I can't remember =X ) from a semi shady looking shop which was offering him $380 ( Went from $500 to $400 as he backed off and hit $380 after more persistent haggling) to $450 from a shop upstairs with certified manufacturer logos and whatcha-ma-call-its.
The girls were also almost at their limit, we had been going up and down up and down for nearly 2 hours to get a good price for the !@#$ camera.
I was pretty sure the bosses of both shops were about ready to start bombarding us with random debris if we tried to undercut them anymore.
*Runs for cover in bunker*
Anyways, random picture of said bored alpha males.
<-------- Epitome of sienz-ness, wouldn't you agree? In the end, FINALLY got his camera from the shop downstairs, albeit being milked out of $440 with the additional 'fees' going to the license paper and an extra Toshiba battery. GG $350 budget, LoL. Moral of the story, budgets are made to be exceeded. =P With that over and done with, next destination : Esplanade CONFIRMED! And awayyyy we went on a quaint little bus all the way to the Esplanade. Took quite alot of pictures there too I may add, though they were mostly with YQ's camera and Arvin's W810i. =X Sucks to have the lousiest camera phone among the bunch. I want an N95! * hint hint cough bday cough next year cough cough hint hint* Until I can get the more interesting pics from them, here are some pictures of the artwork being displayed there. =P
Anyways, lemme show you some pictures of the Merlion which is nearby, a big tourist attraction for many foreigners.
Hmmm, let's see.
*Digs through photos*
I'm out of photos =(
Ah well, will continue when I get the rest of the pictures from my friends.
Tata for now ~
Till the next sienz outing.
Aerin, signing off !!
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